Monday, November 06, 2006

Hi People, I believe we had a great weekend. Mine was nice, though full of activities ranging from meetings to a birthday party i had to take my daughter for.

In my former blog which i mistakenly deleted, i wrote an article titled, "ember months syndrome" in which i wrote about the general belief that evils abound more towards the end of the year due to increase in the activities of witches and evil forces who are "in a hurry to meet their yearly target".

I look back now and wonder what coincidence lies in 3 air crashes that have occured in this nation within 1 year in October, December (2005) and October (2006) respectively. Countless road accidents have occured as well, did the spirits make our roads bad as well or did they withold the hands of the government from releasing funds already allocated for road maintainance thereby taking responsibility for the lives of its citizens? This syndrome seems to be a no miss in our dear country these days.

I need no one to tell me that these events are mere leaves of a fundamental problem of our dear nation and recent items that have made news these days like impeachment and co have been attempts to distract us from seeing the things that demand attention.

We know better now than to blame some mysterious spirits for our carelessness and excusiologism. Let's change what we can by starting with ourselves. let's become the change we desire to see.Let's register to vote, it's our right, our power. Let's obey the laws of the nation and support people who are bringing in reforms that will birth change, let's do it right, at least, we'll be sure by then that we've done our part, leaving God to help us begin from where our strength ends and make us impenetrable to "evil spirits who are on target meeting rampage!"

2 comments: said...

it work for those who believe, i am not a believer and so i cannot find myself stock in any of these except God says it's time... amber or no amber.

eradiccating this comes to one things all believers ought to be like me or better.

it's not just a coincidence that this things are happening, we have too many believers in the wrong things

this is my own submission

meanwhile who is this alien speaking marsian in venus. wetin concern agbero with overload


Anonymous said...

It all starts by changing ourselves and our can't change or impact on a nation if you cannot change yourself and impact on the next is little drops of water that create a river.