Friday, January 05, 2007

2007 GOALS

Happy new year folks! I guess the festive season was wonderful with lots to eat and drink; for my partners in the exercise, hope your water therapy didn't suffer a set-back:-)). I'm sure we're all prepared to face the new year with determination to achieve our goals.

Now, talking about goals, where i worship, we're usually encouraged to come for the watchnight service with our written goals so they can be prayed over and we can be encouraged on how we can make our goals happen.

Towards the end of 2006, i went to get the book where i had my goals written and i discovered that in the course of the year, i hardly went over those goals to check how i was doing and that some of those goals were not achieved simply because i did not keep them in view, they slipped away from my memory. I had some practical, workable goals which didn't materialize due to lack of tracking.

So i made a decision to write my goals in a diary which i take to work and open everyday. In that way, i'm more likely to keep them before my eyes. I recommend we find what works for us and stay with it. I wish you all the best as you aspire to achieve your desire! May God help us.


Anonymous said...

I didn't intend to make any resolutions this year because I never keep them past one week.

This diary-keeping should be worth giving a try.

Anonymous said...

Or if you're brave enough, you could put them on your blog. That way, the whole world can see them !!

ODODO said...

Hmmm... Thanks,
@ Azuka, i think most people should know by now that those resolutions hardly last. It's great however to have a tracking system. I pray this year will be much better than past ones put together.

@ Boso, that is a cool idea! You take the lead and i'll follow very closely :-))

My folks, i wish y'all a terrific year. Ciao!

Anonymous said...

Hello :-)

TT Akinsanmi here :-) I read your blog and it put a genuine smile on my face - the issue around girl children particularly :-)

Great idea on the ballet classes - if I had been enrolled earlier maybe i would have become the first Black Nigerian World reknowned ballerina of classics like Swan Lake :-)

I am a woman, a lady, a girl child, my parents daughter :-) and I live my life to the full beyond the limitations of society and categorisations with one as my central focus - living my life the way God has destined me to live it :-)

On the main issue of resolutions :-) I can make one public one and hope to keep it: I questioned myself why don't i keep my blog updated? And the only answer I coudl find - lack of committment and laziness :-)

So lets see if I can truly this year :-)

Hola to your Husband and keep the twinkle in your eyes...end of so long a comment :-).

empower yourself said...

Hey, Titi! Good to read from you. Thanks for dropping by and posting a lengthy comment.

Talking about ballet, my daughter'll be starting classes on saturday,i'm excited for her about this and many more things she'll be opportuned to be developed in. Indeed, the bestest thing is to live one's life as the creator planned it out.God help us.

I think i'll take you up on updating your blog DAILY:-? All the best in doing that. Be in touch!

Anonymous said...

I hope to follow my goals through with the help of God.

Anonymous said...

The article just inspired me to write my goal for the year 2007. I pray that God will give the grace to keep it in view each day. Peter.