Friday, December 22, 2006


Hmmm...In Africa, this question has become the most popular question asked as soon as the birth of a new born is announced. There's usually great excitement when the answer is "it's a boy!" and 'ooh' when it's a girl most times. I really wonder why.

I met a woman my mum's age at a friend's wedding sometime ago who prayed for me that God will make my wedding soon, i told her i was married and had a child, immediately she asked for the sex and i told her it's a beautiful baby girl, she said ooh, don't worry, God will make the next one a boy. I was angry and wondered at her thinking. Thoughts then flashed accross my mind of an old couple who their wife after several years of trying to have a boy, gave her husband a young girl to "give him a male child". I became thoroughly sorry for women whose security is based on their ability to bear their husband a male child. Some even put themselves under pressure when they don't have a male child. It's rather worrisome. There's a mentality that the female gender isn't quite as good as the male.Hence we see mothers making their male children enjoy priviledges that the females are not given.

I was at a carol over the weekend and there was a ballet dance presentation by a group of little girls of btw 3-6 years old. It was a beautiful sight to behold. I was excited cos i had just enrolled my daughter for ballet lessons. I've got so many plans for her God willing, she will live a full fulfilled feminine life.

The proof or test of a fulfilled life is not linked to one's gender, but to the quality of life lived.

It's great to have desires, but let it not be due to societal or family pressure. Nothing just happens. There's a higher force that ensures we have what's best for us per time. Be Happy - It's a choice.


Anonymous said...

In the spiritual, do folks have gender? Are there male or female demons or angels?

Is God male or female?

I think gender is one of the base-things of the society and you've yourself to be blamed if you limit yourself based on that.

This also needs to be balanced...cos there's the extreme set that doesn't respect gender!

ODODO said...

Thanks so much for your comment Bolaji. Indeed it is unwise to be limited by societal beliefs.As for the extreme set that doesn't respect gender, i really would like to know more about them.

Enjoy the season!

Anonymous said...

People do go to great lengths to get a male child and I often wonder why.

In my family, my parents would have preferred all girls but we all turned out to be boys.

I think whatever we have, it's good to be thankful.

Anonymous said...

First thing first, I have a babe and I would be perceived as being biased in my opinion so I really dont know what to say but to take the issue to a deeper dimension.

Men and women are definitely different though they are seen as Man to God but the functional role makes them different. it is this difference, based on their pros and con that makes the society prefer the male.

And because we live in a society-controlled world, we are driven to take up so many things. My point is this;

If you want kick against societal norm that is not correct than do so in all stead not in the one that affects you. If you support the societal norm in some views and then kick against one that does concern you then it would just not be right.

The female is quite limited in some task that the society perceives as important so only the men can function in such stead as described by the society which also affect the growing lady who is equiped to do such task.

The world says 1st of Jan is new year and we all adhere to it even make prophetic utterances according to it, if the world says it is preferable to have a male child, then it should definitely be preferable based on the premise above....

Anonymous said...

as much as we desire to have male and female children we should not forget the fact that the two sexes are simply unique in their purposes and roles, one is not better than the other.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Azuka, indeed, it's good to be thankful whichever way it goes believing that what we have is God's gift per time.

@Tepede, i'll say yes, the female is very different from the male, she's cut out for some tasks that can't be undergone by the male and vice versa. I'll therefore advise you don't raise your daughter as one who is "quite limited" but unique. Ciao!

@Shola, yes o! it's great to note that one gender ain't superior to the other.