Friday, January 25, 2008


He's the youngest, cutest and finest boy in the Akinyemi family.

His names? Araoluwa (God's Wonder), Aminoluwa (God's Sign), Obaloluwa (God is king).....etc

Born on October 1, 2007, his birth is a testimony.

We prayed for him to come and God celebrated his coming to the earth.

God gave our country hope and a physical confirmation of the inevitability of the birth of a new Nigeria (

I pray that this new year, God will answer your prayers with resounding testimonies.



Anonymous said...


When he was born I said WOW!
Wonder 2 Our World!
and you went ahead and named him Ara.

He is a wonder

Take good care of that one, you can take cues from Mary and Joseph because I am one who believes you have a special baby like Jesus in your hands.

Do you believe?

Anonymous said...

i hail ooo and peace to the princess ire his sister

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby.

why wasn't he given an initial NND(New Naija Dream). Even when he cries i know its because he's trying to say something that will change our country and he's vexing that nobody understands.

Let him know that I'm with him all the way